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Jayne Brown

Jayne Brown grew up in Media, Pennsylvania, a quaint suburban hamlet southwest of Philadelphia.  Largely a self-taught artist, Jayne has embraced creative expression from a very young age.  Jayne’s school notebooks were regularly covered in sketches and doodles while she found her natural academic home in her scholastic art classes.


Focusing on the rewarding task of raising her daughters, Lauren & Chelsea, Jayne found little time to nurture her artistic abilities.  However, after a 25 year hiatus, Jayne rediscovered her passion for creating dramatic expressions of spirit and mood in vibrant and nuanced color.  For the past 8 years, Jayne has become a prolific creator, producing over 100 pieces of original works of art in oil and acrylic; art which now covers the walls of the home she shares with her husband of 35 years, James.

”Faces are my favorite subject matter.  I love capturing a person's essence or candid, in-the-moment expression.  With billions of people on the planet, I will never run out of the subjects that I love".

-Jayne Brown

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